I heard an interview with photographer Ashley Gilberston on NPR yesterday. He has been capturing moments from the war in Iraq for the past 4 years and he talked about pictures that he'd taken of people playing baseball just hours before they were killed in a car bomb, corpses being dragged onto the streets by stray dogs. My God, what disrespect for life! Every death must mean so much to the loved ones. Why all this violence? To what end? Do so many lives have to be wasted just because some people are not ready to give up their pride? Will these kinds of images of the war atleast stir a sense of reality in the general public? As for me, they did awaken me more than the static reports on radio about soldiers and civilians being killed everyday, but frankly there's little more I can do than express my grief and frustration about the situation. Hoping my next post will be a little brighter.