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Showing posts from October, 2007


Amazing is the power of the internet

Just today I found 2 of my friends from good (or not so) old Ramaiah days. It brought tears to my eyes to see K's picture on the web. We knew each other when we were just young, exuberant girls chugging down bajjis at Nallakunta. But now we're twice as old and I've been out of touch with her for such a long time.... I can't wait to talk to her. I hope she responds to my email.

Growing older

Last night as I was just lazing on the divan, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain on the skylights and watching an amazing concert by Norah Jones on PBS HD, I started wondering, why are we leaving behind all this and going to India? Are we nuts? Don't we like comfort, don't we like the little pleasures in life? What's wrong with us? I might never know the answers to these questions, but as you grow older you do become far-sighted. Everyday things seem less important as you see the grand schema of events. Is this good or bad, I don't know. But I'm liking this growing older thing (leaving aside my appearance) it's a very humbling experience, aha there's a 'mot juste'. Just some random ramblings....

A better basement

DH and I toiled for a whole week to get the basement into shape and oh yes, it's in a great shape now. The floor is done, the drywall is patched, moulding is in place and so is the bar. It looks FABULOUS, atleast to us :) . We sat down last night and were wondering why we hadn't done this earlier, so we could have enjoyed it too. Now, we can only hope that the future residents of our house enjoy it. That said, we're getting ready to put the house up for sale, just a few finishing touches and we should be done.

Our third and hopefully last "nine month" plan :)

"Nothing important happens in life when one gets too comfortable" - is a quote that we came across recently and realized that it is the case with us. It is not a bad thing necessarily, but it is definitely the case. Life is quite comfortable and it is going to bring many good things in the future. However, there is one aspect of it that has been nagging both of us for quite sometime now. So we both did some soul-searching last month and decided to go for "it". Due Date: May 31, 2008 First trimester plan (in progress) Prepare ourselves and the kids for the BIG news. Prepare the house for the BIG event. PUT THE HOUSE UP FOR SALE :) Take a deep breath and wait...... Second trimester Research about/apply for schools If house is sold, dispose of extra stuff and move into a temp apt. (Hopefully) finish up the USC interview??? Take a deep breath and wait...... Third trimester (ONLY IF HOUSE IS SOLD) Inform the school about the transfer Take a deep breath Complete final pre...