Just today I found 2 of my friends from good (or not so) old Ramaiah days. It brought tears to my eyes to see K's picture on the web. We knew each other when we were just young, exuberant girls chugging down bajjis at Nallakunta. But now we're twice as old and I've been out of touch with her for such a long time.... I can't wait to talk to her. I hope she responds to my email.
Tharini had tagged me to write about a material object which holds lots of memories and here it goes.... My husband had gifted me this CD on our 2 nd anniversary and right the next day we'd moved into an 8 th floor apartment with a sweeping view. There we used to listen to this CD almost every evening, sitting in the balcony. Anytime I pop in this CD, it magically transports me to that place. I can see the apartment floating in front of my eyes, the layout, the view, the roses we had in the balcony, the conversations we used to have.... everything. I remember even the distinct smell of our stinky dishwasher ;) Anyway, it's one of my favorite CDs to this day. I particularly like the second song : 'The Mummers' dance'.