Choxbox had tagged me a while ago to write about strange coincidences. Sorry n1, it took so long, but here it is: It's a very sad coincidence but the strongest that I've ever felt. Jan 13, 2007 was a Saturday and the four of us went to the temple. After my son said a small prayer to Lord Ganesha, he went and picked up some Viboothi and applied it on his forehead forming three lines across. I gave him a smile and said he did it exactly like his thatha , my father-in-law. After finishing up in the temple and returning to the car, the phone rang and we got the sad news that my father-in-law had a sudden heart attack and passed away just half an hour ago. We were all so shocked. The time of his death was almost the same as the moment that we were thinking of him in the temple. Is there really a sixth sense? I don't know, but I do strongly believe that if you're close to someone you can feel the vibe about their well-being. On a brighter note, I also believe that there are...