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Showing posts from January, 2008


Choxbox had tagged me a while ago to write about strange coincidences. Sorry n1, it took so long, but here it is: It's a very sad coincidence but the strongest that I've ever felt. Jan 13, 2007 was a Saturday and the four of us went to the temple. After my son said a small prayer to Lord Ganesha, he went and picked up some Viboothi and applied it on his forehead forming three lines across. I gave him a smile and said he did it exactly like his thatha , my father-in-law. After finishing up in the temple and returning to the car, the phone rang and we got the sad news that my father-in-law had a sudden heart attack and passed away just half an hour ago. We were all so shocked. The time of his death was almost the same as the moment that we were thinking of him in the temple. Is there really a sixth sense? I don't know, but I do strongly believe that if you're close to someone you can feel the vibe about their well-being. On a brighter note, I also believe that there are...

The Book of Secrets

Tharini had tagged me to write about a material object which holds lots of memories and here it goes.... My husband had gifted me this CD on our 2 nd anniversary and right the next day we'd moved into an 8 th floor apartment with a sweeping view. There we used to listen to this CD almost every evening, sitting in the balcony. Anytime I pop in this CD, it magically transports me to that place. I can see the apartment floating in front of my eyes, the layout, the view, the roses we had in the balcony, the conversations we used to have.... everything. I remember even the distinct smell of our stinky dishwasher ;) Anyway, it's one of my favorite CDs to this day. I particularly like the second song : 'The Mummers' dance'.

Distressing dream

Last night as I was putting the kids to bed, my son started getting very upset and was almost in tears. When I asked him why, he said 'I'm having bad dreams. I'm worried what'd happen to me if you and daddy pass away. I don't want some strangers to take me away.' I've no idea where he got those ideas from. I assured him that mom and dad will always try to be with him and even if we can't he'll always have a close relative taking care of him and that he'll never be taken away by strangers. After some whimpering, he fell asleep. Oh, the little baby, he seemed so traumatised by the thought! I felt immensely scared myself, for sometime after that. To think how delicate our lives are and at the same time to have these innocent little kids completely banking on it, it's very unsettling. I've cousins, who'd lost their father when they were merely 5 or 6 years old and I can't imagine what must've gone through their minds. We feel we...

Back on turf

I've been so bogged down with work and some trips for the past one month, that blogging had slipped to the end of my priority list. But I'm back now. So much has happened since my last post. First of all : Wish You A Very Happy New Year We were in Disney World for the New Year's celebrations and boy was it fun! The whole vacation was just fantastic! The kids loved the parks and the nice pool at the resort. As for us, no driving around meant no designated drivers :) It was a totally rejuvenating trip, loved it! BTW, that's one item struck off from our 'Things to do before R2i' list. Last week we were sworn in as American Citizens. Woo hooo . That's another important milestone for us before we return. We spoke to M&M's teachers about our move back home and they suggested that we could comfortably do it in the 3rd week of May. We're yet to nail down THE DATE, but it will be around Memorial day weekend. The house is the biggest issue on our list now...