I've been so bogged down with work and some trips for the past one month, that blogging had slipped to the end of my priority list. But I'm back now. So much has happened since my last post. First of all :
Wish You A Very Happy New Year
We were in Disney World for the New Year's celebrations and boy was it fun! The whole vacation was just fantastic! The kids loved the parks and the nice pool at the resort. As for us, no driving around meant no designated drivers :) It was a totally rejuvenating trip, loved it! BTW, that's one item struck off from our 'Things to do before R2i' list.
Last week we were sworn in as American Citizens. Woo hooo. That's another important milestone for us before we return.
We spoke to M&M's teachers about our move back home and they suggested that we could comfortably do it in the 3rd week of May. We're yet to nail down THE DATE, but it will be around Memorial day weekend.
The house is the biggest issue on our list now. The market still seems to be bad and we're only hoping that it gets better in Spring. Anyway, we've decided to return in May even if it doesn't sell by then.
As you can see, things are gaining speed on the R2i front, which seems to pretty much be the only front in our life now. It sometimes gives me the shivers, just to think that in about 4months I'll be out of this comfort zone for good. It's always a task to pick up everything you have and start anew. I've done it thrice till now and am getting tired of it. I hope that this time it's well worth it. The kids are excited about it on and off and that puts more pressure on us because we've to convince them that everything will be JUST FINE even though we're not sure of it ourselves. God, I hope we come out of all this unscathed.
Wish You A Very Happy New Year
We were in Disney World for the New Year's celebrations and boy was it fun! The whole vacation was just fantastic! The kids loved the parks and the nice pool at the resort. As for us, no driving around meant no designated drivers :) It was a totally rejuvenating trip, loved it! BTW, that's one item struck off from our 'Things to do before R2i' list.
Last week we were sworn in as American Citizens. Woo hooo. That's another important milestone for us before we return.
We spoke to M&M's teachers about our move back home and they suggested that we could comfortably do it in the 3rd week of May. We're yet to nail down THE DATE, but it will be around Memorial day weekend.
The house is the biggest issue on our list now. The market still seems to be bad and we're only hoping that it gets better in Spring. Anyway, we've decided to return in May even if it doesn't sell by then.
As you can see, things are gaining speed on the R2i front, which seems to pretty much be the only front in our life now. It sometimes gives me the shivers, just to think that in about 4months I'll be out of this comfort zone for good. It's always a task to pick up everything you have and start anew. I've done it thrice till now and am getting tired of it. I hope that this time it's well worth it. The kids are excited about it on and off and that puts more pressure on us because we've to convince them that everything will be JUST FINE even though we're not sure of it ourselves. God, I hope we come out of all this unscathed.