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My take on 'Taare zameeen par'

I finally watched the movie yesterday and was quite moved by it. It's very encouraging that not only more and more socially responsible movies are being made in India, but also that the audience is welcoming them.

The boy's performance was superb, can't say the same about Aamir. To me the let down in the movie was that the situation was played down quite a bit, in a way too filmy. Also, at the end, the parents only seemed to care that the kid was finally 'normal', without understanding the kid's nature, his agony or even how the kid got those 'progress' reports. That was a bit too commercial for me. But that's just my opinion.

Hope these kinds of movies have some positive impact on the society.


Choxbox said…
yp it did have some weak points but at least it has made people think, as you say. that itself is something given the current bollywood scenario.
(how do people watch all the crap dished out in fillums with their kids???)
Vijaya. said…
I can't understand that either. Gosh, the amount of violence and vulgarity is unbelievable. For the most part we try to keep the M&Ms away from it. Not sure how it'll work once we're in India with the tube blaring them all the time.

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