My husband just sent me a picture titled "Guess Who" and guess who it was - none other than my yesteryears' deity Girija from Geethanjali. I Googled her up and found her blog. Wow, I'm so excited!!! I added it to my list of favorite blogs - enjoy being a post away from Geetakka.
Tharini had tagged me to write about a material object which holds lots of memories and here it goes.... My husband had gifted me this CD on our 2 nd anniversary and right the next day we'd moved into an 8 th floor apartment with a sweeping view. There we used to listen to this CD almost every evening, sitting in the balcony. Anytime I pop in this CD, it magically transports me to that place. I can see the apartment floating in front of my eyes, the layout, the view, the roses we had in the balcony, the conversations we used to have.... everything. I remember even the distinct smell of our stinky dishwasher ;) Anyway, it's one of my favorite CDs to this day. I particularly like the second song : 'The Mummers' dance'.