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Growing older

Last night as I was just lazing on the divan, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain on the skylights and watching an amazing concert by Norah Jones on PBS HD, I started wondering, why are we leaving behind all this and going to India? Are we nuts? Don't we like comfort, don't we like the little pleasures in life? What's wrong with us? I might never know the answers to these questions, but as you grow older you do become far-sighted. Everyday things seem less important as you see the grand schema of events. Is this good or bad, I don't know. But I'm liking this growing older thing (leaving aside my appearance) it's a very humbling experience, aha there's a 'mot juste'.

Just some random ramblings....


Hey ! You read me ?! Nice to know that..And India is a lot more comfortable (in the materialistic sense) than you can imagine.
Looking forward to reading about you R2I experiences !
Vijaya. said…
Poppins: You're the first one to post a comment on my blog. THANK YOU!
I'd stumbled upon your blog over a month ago as I was looking for some R2I experiences and now I read it regularly. I do like your style and candid nature, ofcourse that's what you can expect from us Scorpios, right :)

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